
This page contains a list of all the major projects (past, current and upcoming!) I have worked on since High School.

Arduino based Home Automation System

Personal project for a High School Science fair!

Library Database Management System

High School Senior year Project.

UPCOMING! Flight Computer for High Powered Rocketry

Project for Research and Entrepreneurship course at Jain University. The project is also stated to be used in Spaceport America Cup 2024, and any future rocket launches from Team Avadhi


CANSAT Competition conducted by IN-SPACE in collaboration with Astronautical Society of India (ASI). Preliminary Design Report stage was cleared in October, the Critical Design Review stage will be held in February. More details will be published later!

Structural Investigation of Agricultural UAV

Research Article published on International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends.

Spaceport America Cup 2024

Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition 2024. More details will be released soon. Follow Team Avadhi on Instagram and LinkedIn, and also check out their website for more information.

InterPlanetary Aerial Systems Challenge 2021

It was a competition conducted in 2021, by Mars Society South Asia. Our team, Team Aeros finished fourth in the competition. Check out the Design Report by clicking on the button below.

Line Following Drone using MATLAB and SIMULINK

We attempted to make a Parrot Minidrone follow a red line path. To do the same we created an image processing algorithm and a state estimator to improve the Guidance, Control and Estimation of the system. The work is still under progress. Upon completion, we hope to publish our work and use the same in the Mathworks Minidrone Competitions.